A New Basketball Commissioner is Expected in Winter of 2023. The following information may change.
Basketball is a winter sport which runs from November through February.
Practices last one hour and are held one or two nights a week and on Saturdays.
Scrimmages are held during practice slots.
ERA permits gyms from Anne Arundel County.
We do not own the gyms and are subject to the rules and regulations of those facilities.
Please understand that these facilities are public schools and there is usually a single individual on-site to allow access.
We will ask the coaches who have the first practice of the day to call their perspective schools before the first practice of the season and touch base with the main point of contact (usually the head custodian). This way if there is a lockout situation the team will have the ability to troubleshoot onsite.
Coaches are granted one practice slot before the season begins, if extra spots exist a second practice slot is offered to county teams and older age levels.
ERA Gyms & Times
Shipley's Elem on Tu & Th from 6:15-9:15 PM
Pasadena Elem on Mon & Tu from 6:15-9:15 PM
Oakwood Elem on Mon, Tu, Wed, Thur & Fri 6:15-9:15 PM
Shipley's Elem on Sat from 8:30-2:30 PM
Pasadena Elem on Sat from 8:30-2:30 PM
CoEd - 6U (PreK, K, 1st)
Boys - 8U, 10U , 12U & 14U
Girls - 8U, 11U & 14U
Schedules will be released in November After Registration Officially Closes and will appear in TeamSnap.
ERA operates joint leagues with other area organizations, rules from each organization will be provided to coaches prior to the start of the season.